Swiss Art Mapping

Christine Hunold



If you are not easily scared by the little misfortunes and mishaps of everyday life, by the pain of getting up in the early morning, by the lover who prematurely fell out of your bed and left you snoring behind, by the boredom at work, by the bad food in the restaurant,
by the crying kid next room, by the smoker next to you, by the cop trying to fine you and : if you read 'hop frog' by edgar allen poe and still think that planet earth is a place you can survive on - then you will be amused by the videos of Christine Hunold.

The short episodes are reflecting moments of everyday life with the poetical power of daydreams and nightmares, absurdity and love : somersaults and crash landings included.

After having seen those images you might not sleep sounder – you might wake up chuckling or shivering in the middle of the night – but your life will be a trifle bit more like it is: a miracle of nature. Keep on going: chuckling and shivering all day long. stay wide awake in the wake of all those blind mirrors around you. And if you're lost in the waste lands of your mind remember all the chuckles and the shivers.
The daydreams and the nightmares, the absurdity and the love will always escort you.

© Vänçi M. Stirnemann 2003

1985 - 1989 Studium F&F Zürich
1989 - 1995 Atelier YACH, Collaboration mit Yegya Arman
seit 1989 Teilnahme an Film- und Videofestivals
seit 1990 Mitglied Visarte Schweiz
1987- 2002 verschiedene kuratorische Tätigkeiten
1995 - 2004 Dozentin für Video & Fotografie
2005 - 2009 Mitglied Kunstkommission Stadt Baden

Stipendien & Auszeichnungen

2009 Werkbeitrag STEO Stiftung Zürich
2009 Werkbeitrag der Stadt Zürich
2005 Auszeichnung STEO Stiftung Zürich
2004 Atelierstipendium Kt. Aargau in Berlin
1999 Kunstpreis Esther Matossi Stiftung
1999 KEM99 Kunstpreis für neue Medien
1998 Stipendium Kanton Aargau
1996 Stipendium Stadt Zürich
1995 Videopreis SBV Schweiz
1992 Stipendium Kanton Aargau
1992 Werkbeitrag STEO Stiftung Zürich
1991 Stipendium Kanton Zürich
1990 Stipendium Kanton Zürich

seit 1990 Ankäufe durch private Sammlungen
2009/10 Ankäufe Kanton Zürich
2009 Ankauf Kantonsschule Rychenberg
2008 Ankauf Kanton Zürich
2008 Ankäufe der Städte Baden & Uster
2007 Ankauf Stadt Zürich